Saturday, April 20, 2013

Examining Codes of Ethics

I also made hard copies of the NAEYC and DEC Codes for future reference.

The NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct contained the 3 ideals I chose to comment on.
1-1.3 To recognize and respect the unique qualities, abilities, and potential of each child.
I chose this one because in a school setting, each teacher needs to be able to do this and should do this. Each student is different and should be treated as such. A teacher needs to try to help each student reach their full potential and this may require extra work for the teacher, but that is part of the job.  A teacher should want to see the student grow and flourish under their care! I see really bright students that don’t get the extra attention they need to challenge them. On the other hand, I see students that are falling behind because they aren’t getting the extra help they need just to keep up or catch up.
            1-1.4 To appreciate the vulnerability of children and their dependence on adults.
I also chose this one because I see children at school every day that misbehave at school and disrespect authority figures.  I feel that this is because this is what they do and see at home. I had the experience twice this week where a child refused to do what I asked them and got smart with me.  It is so frustrating and disheartening to see children treat adults this way!
1-1.9 To advocate for and ensure that all children, including those with special needs, have access to the support services needed to be successful.
I chose this one because I know of a child that was just diagnosed with autism this late in the school year. Now that we know, we can give him the assistance he needs. He will be given different accommodations next week during our state testing (in Tennessee it is called T-CAP). He will benefit from these accommodations and so will the teacher on her scores. It is always in the best interest in the child when we can diagnose and help them with their disabilities.

The DEC Codes:

1. We shall demonstrate in our behavior and language respect and appreciation for the unique value and human potential of each child.

This goes along with the NAEYC Code 1-1.3 I chose in recognizing that each child is different and unique and should be treated as such.

Professional Collaboration
1. We shall honor and respect our responsibilities to colleagues while upholding the dignity and autonomy of colleagues and maintaining collegial interprofessional and intraprofessional relationships.

I chose this one because I see teachers talk about each other behind their backs and it's a shame! We should respect each other as individuals and be positive. There is no need to be childish in the workplace.

4. We shall support professionals new to the field by mentoring them in the practice of evidence and ethically based services.

I chose this one because one day when I am new to the field I will hope someone will take me under their wing and mentor me and help me in all areas including professionalism.


  1. Hi Niki,
    I enjoyed reading your ideals. All of them are very important but one that I think is really important is 1-1.3 respecting qualities and abilities in all children. Something that is so important in building social emotional skills and self-worth.

  2. Hi Niki,
    I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed learning with and from you. Good luck with your Early Childhood career.
    Thank You,
    Nicole Resig
